When Ghanaian actress Juliet Ibrahim posted a note on Instagram yesterday concerning a cheaper centre where ailing musician and producer, OJB Jezreel can get a better treatment in lesser cost, she didn't do that with bad intentions. She currently has 2 relatives living with kidney failure whom she is caring for and is no stranger to whatever OJB is going through. For instance, this tweet below is from someone whose mum allegedly went through the same ordeal and had a successful transplant in India for $35,000

Since then, she's been branded a lot of hateful names over virtually all the social media networks as her note has since been termed to have an underlining meaning by several individuals, who have used the opportunity to to say they feel. The seasoned actress and humanitarian has come out to express what she meant.
"I don't mean for my tweets to be misconstrued and I won't take OJB's health problems with levity as many have misconstrued me...all I was trying to do was bring an idea of where we can get the transplant done since it's utmost necessary we get it done soonest and funds ain't coming in as much expected, thus, I thought we could try a better and certified centre which isn't as expensive as the current one in UK when there are several cheaper countries to perform the surgery. Also instead of people lashing out on celebrities, they can start by giving their own widow's mite or rather ask the government to help.
"It should be further noted that we are all finding a lasting solution to help end the pain of the talented entertainer and bring smile to his face once again and not generate issue out of someone's suggestion or hand of help."
"I don't mean for my tweets to be misconstrued and I won't take OJB's health problems with levity as many have misconstrued me...all I was trying to do was bring an idea of where we can get the transplant done since it's utmost necessary we get it done soonest and funds ain't coming in as much expected, thus, I thought we could try a better and certified centre which isn't as expensive as the current one in UK when there are several cheaper countries to perform the surgery. Also instead of people lashing out on celebrities, they can start by giving their own widow's mite or rather ask the government to help.
"It should be further noted that we are all finding a lasting solution to help end the pain of the talented entertainer and bring smile to his face once again and not generate issue out of someone's suggestion or hand of help."
She shldnt av posted dt in d 1st place.....dts d silliest thing to do.I dint even knw her b4 until I read bout her on linda ikeji's blog n I checkd her instagram page too.Trust me wiv wat she did,most Nigerains wunt like her.She jst made d greatest mistake...she shld av jst been quiet about the whole thing even if she cnt donate.....She really pissed so many Nigerains off wiv her post.I really hope she doesn't find herself in OJB's situation....
You meant well, guess you just didn't state it well.
in Nigeria, we like pointing fingers rather than do our bit, we blame others
I think b4 celebs post sensitive issues it will be advised dey seek counsel from
their management. It would have been appreciated if Juliet Ibrahim personally
contacted OJB's family or those in charge of his fund raising rather dan make it
public. Guys she has said she meant no harm so let's be mild on her. Sometimes what
we want to say might be wrongly expressed but with good intention. Juliet please
write less now cos "pen is mightier dan words" & ur post has come to stay. Bunmi
Odunowo, keep up d good work you re doing.
If its to endorse artistes with loads of money MTN Etisalat Glo n AirTel will come and lavish. Where are all these big companies that encourage musicians to help out. No one knows what baggage other artistes have so I don't think they should be blamed. Juliet is not wrong in what's she said. Nigerians complain about everything. Same complaint when 2Face got married he went to Dubai. OJB needs all the help he can and I pray we educate ourselves on how to take care of our bodies to stay healthy. Cos honestly artistes consume a lot of substances that will contribute to loads of body damage.
This is Kidney we are talking about here. It's not shoes, clothes, cars or even houses. This is his body and his LIFE. Is there something wrong with trying to get the best treatment no matter the cost to save his life?
I'm not saying if there are cheaper rates he shouldn't go for them, but do people understand the reason why they settled for the $100k one?
Let every one of us contribute financially not to talk of cheap price. @julliet comment. Please, you dont understand all other things attached to OJB liver problem,so dont discourage people with your cheap comment. Contribute what you have and let individual use their mind.
Even if $100k Is more than the cost of #OJB's kidney surgery,is it more than #OJB's pride? Yet he swallowed it so he can live. Afterall #OJB is not one of those celebrities that we have seen or heard living a reckless life. But for my weakness for Natural beauty,I would've given @julietibrahim a piece of my venom, she should know how to direct her advice next time NOT thru the social media.
She was just suggesting you lot could have a cheaper surgery in Ghana, india or somewhere else thats certified. Clearly she understands his situation and was suggesting rather than him wait for that huge amount of money while his health detoriates daily, why doesn't he have it quickly and somewhere that does it same quality and half the price. She didn't mean bad some of you just don't like her and found this as an opportunity to attack her sha...
Havnt seen a beTter comment dan this!
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